
Monday, 11 February 2013

One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four!

Glasgow Local Food Network will be hosting their annual seed swap as part of Glasgow Allotments Forum Potato day at the Pearce Institute on Sunday 24 February

Bring along your saved seed or any surplus packets from last year and pick up some tasty new seeds for this year, including some heritage varieties, and get your hand's on this year’s seed potatoes!

The event will provide people with an opportunity to choose from over 36 varieties of seed potatoes either as single tubers or larger amounts (the list of potatoes that will be available for sale is now on the GAF website). And you can also participate in a range of workshops and get information on growing potatoes and other useful growing tips and advice.

There will also be refreshments and home made cake and plenty of time to share top tips on growing with fellow growers from across the city.

The event will take place at The Pearce Institute in Govan on Sunday 24 February and will run from 11am to 3pm. 

Workshop programme

11.15 to 12.00 - Composting with Abi Mordin from UrbanRoots
Everything you ever wanted to know about compost but were too afraid to ask! This session will cover household and community composting, manures, mulches and little bit of anaerobic. Come and talk about the smelly stuff! (other compost experts welcome)”

12.15 to 1:00 - Seed Saving with Roz Corbett, Freelance Community Gardener
"An introduction to seed saving, looking quickly at pollination, a game on plant families, and a practical activity saving seeds. If you have any seed saving skills you'd like to share, or questions, please bring them along."

1.15 to 2.00 - Tatties in Bags and Other Container Gardening Tricks with Kate Shaw from Playbusters
“Come learn how to plant your tatties in bags & adapt your vegetable gardening to containers. We’ll have a practical demo, lots of top tips as well as planting your own salad and herb window box to take home. People with experience welcome to come share their container gardening successes (and disasters!)

2.15 to 3.00 - Lasagna Gardening for Pots to Large Gardens - Minimum Effort for Maximum Yields with Luci Ransome from Permaculture Scotland.
“We will explore Lasagna Gardening's practical "no dig" approach in transforming how you grow the seeds and potatoes you have collected today. There will be a practical demonstration, an interactive game and sharing of ideas. If you already Lasagna Garden please come along and tell us what works well for you!

Potato photo sourced from

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